Apply for a BECC Action
Applications are open for all BECC members and can be sent to the Board two times per year: by 1 May or 1 November.
What is a BECC Action?
A BECC Action grant aims at shorter projects (max 12 months) and is open to all BECC PIs and BECC researchers. Actions should be targeted efforts that in the long-term leverage and strengthen BECC research and collaboration. Inter- and/or transdisciplinarity, and collaborations between research groups and universities are encouraged, but not mandatory.
A core group is responsible for the Action and its coordination. The Action can encourage participation and be open to other interested researchers within BECC. Applicants are encouraged to anchor the Action with the BECC Challenges leadership before submission. A key characteristic of an Action is the added value it leverages by linking research groups, disciplines, or individuals bringing complementary perspectives, societal actors, interests, expertise, or networks to the table.
An Action exists for a limited period during which it uses the expertise, resources, and networks of BECC to perform activities culminating in a concrete action, i.e. a product that serves to advance BECC’s research and/or societal impact. The product could be for example a synthesis report, database or tool, funding proposal, scientific papers highlighting novel research directions, or a contribution to a national or international assessment. Specific examples of Actions are
- a synthesis serving as a platform for research development
- a pilot-study that supports an application for a full-scale research project
- a research gap-analysis undertaken in interaction with stakeholders
- scoping of new research directions provided as an opinion paper
- synthesis of information to increase the use of BECC research to inform societal decisions
- development of a collaboration mechanism with societal actors
- teaching material that increases the use of BECC research in education
- efforts that promote breadth and interdisciplinarity within BECC (i.e. workshop series, perspective papers, internal guidelines, internal educational material etc)
- large research proposal (applicable if no other funding is available for this, with a maximum 1 month's salary per applicant)
The budget is determined by the specified and motivated costs given in the application, with a possibility for larger contributions to inter- / transdisciplinary Actions. Actions need a team of at least 3 active BECC-PIs/researchers and at least 2 meetings, with a maximal budget of 300 000 SEK. Inter- / transdisciplinary and/or across LU/GU Actions can ask for up to 200 000 SEK in addition, motivated by extra resources needed to pursue the interactions. The maximum contribution from the University of Gothenburg is set to 250,000 SEK. Funding applied for should be well motivated and tailored to the ambitions of the Action. It is not possible to apply for funding to extend the time of an Action.
Application and reporting
Who can apply: All BECC PIs and BECC researchers can apply for an Action. However, applicants with ongoing Actions (previously named Action Group), or who have not reported earlier BECC-grants or activities, cannot apply.
Action applications should be prepared using the form below. The main applicant should be a BECC-PI or BECC-researcher and at least one of the applicants must be a PI of BECC.
Proposals can be submitted to the board twice per year; before 1st of May and before 1st of November, after which decisions are taken by the BECC board.
Download BECC Action application template
If you are planning a workshop before/within/after your Action, it is possible to apply for extra funding.
If you are planning to produce a knowledge synthesis within your AG, it is possible to receive feedback and support from the BECCs board, its Theme leaderships and its supporting organisation regarding revision, communication and to some extent administrative tasks.
Reporting of outcome and communication of results
The Action coordinator is responsible for preparing a report that describes activities and outcome/s of the Action, to be submitted to the BECC board within one month after the funding period has ended.
Actions form a dynamic part of the organisation of BECC and are thus obliged to contribute information to internal and external communication activities such as the BECC website, newsletter, and annual meetings. Action leaders are also expected to contribute to BECC meetings to share their experiences.
Discuss your idea with a coordinator or theme leader.
The BECC board
Send your proposal to
josefin [dot] madjidian [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se