BECC Incubator Grant
What is the Incubator Grant?
The funds within the Incubator Grant are intended for projects that offer excellent research addressing BECC challenges, where inter- and/or transdisciplinarity, interaction between different research groups and interaction between different universities are requirements. Granted projects should clearly address one or more of BECC’s current Grand Challenges and should be in line with the BECC Research Strategy 2020-2025 and the Theme strategic plans 2021-2025. The projects should entail substantial standalone efforts and should be feasible to achieve within two to three years. The grant can cover well-motivated costs of salary (as specified in the specific aims of the call) and running costs. The grant is not aimed at funding larger infrastructure.
Specific aims 2024
The twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss are two of the most pressing issues our planet faces today. Mitigation strategies of the two crises can involve potential synergies, but also serious trade-offs. Solving one crisis may come at the expense of the other, and measures to overcome one of them will only be effective as long as we address them both. BECC now calls for research topics addressing the Twin Crisis, namely projects considering the Climate Crisis and the Biodiversity Crisis together. This call aims at projects investigating the link between those crises and how to address them to promote sustainability. We are especially looking for solution-driven projects that have clear and innovative objectives and contribute to policy and decision-making. This 2024 call for the Incubator grant is targeting new hires of Postdocs, with the core team and supervision responsibilities distributed among research groups, disciplines, and universities (LU/UGOT), and with the budget evidencing extended stays at both universities.
Discuss your idea with a coordinator or theme leader.
The BECC board
Send your proposal to
Lina Nikoleris.
lina [dot] nikoleris [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (subject: BECC) (lina[dot]nikoleris[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
Reporting templates
Templates for reporting