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BECC expert list

Are you looking for experts within the fields of biodiversity, ecosystem services, climate change and the dynamics between them? We are happy to help you find the right person.

This is a list over some of the experts within BECC with representatives from Lund University and University of Gothenburg. If you do not find who you are looking for, please feel welcome to contact our communications officer Therese Ek:

E-mail: therese [dot] ek [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (therese[dot]ek[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se) 
Phone: +46 70 – 322 62 86 

Mark Brady

Subject: science-policy relations within agriculture, relationships between land-use, biodiversity and ecosystem services, EU agriculture policy (CAP)
Associate Professor, Centre for Environmental- and Climate Science (CEC) and AgriFood Economics Centre
E-mail: mark [dot] brady [at] agrifood [dot] lu [dot] se (mark[dot]brady[at]agrifood[dot]lu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 722-37 04 29, + 46 40-41 50 05
Mark Brady in Lund University Research Portal

Yann Clough 

Subject: agriculture, biodiversity and ecosystem services
Professor, Centre for Environmental and Climate Science
yann [dot] clough [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (yann[dot]clough[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 46-222 68 31, +46 76-226 80 70 
Yann Clough in Lund University Research Portal

Katarina Hedlund

Subject: biodiversity in soil, farming techniques and their effects on soil health
Professor, Department of Biology and Centre for Environmental and Climate Science
katarina [dot] hedlund [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (katarina[dot]hedlund[at]biol[dot]lu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 46-222 37 98, +46 725-62 10 04
Katarina Hedlund in Lund University Research Portal

Lina Herbertsson

Subject: effects of land-use, climate change and pesticides on pollinators and pollination of wild plants and cultivated crops
Researcher, Department of Biology
lina [dot] herbertsson [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (lina[dot]herbertsson[at]biol[dot]lu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 702-96 42 55
Lina Herbertsson in Lund University Research Portal

Maj Rundlöf

Subject: effects of land-use on pollinators, pollinator effects on crops and wild plants, effects of pesticides
Researcher, Department of Biology
maj [dot] rundlof [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (maj[dot]rundlof[at]biol[dot]lu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 46-222 95 61, +46 709-29 85 24
Maj Rundlöf in Lund University Research Portal

Anne Bjorkman

Subject: Arctic, alpine tundra ecosystems, plant function and phenological traits
Senior Lecturer, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
E-mail: anne [dot] bjorkman [at] bioenv [dot] gu [dot] se (anne[dot]bjorkman[at]bioenv[dot]gu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 31-786 25 47, +46 766-18 25 47
Anne Bjorkman in University of Gothenburg Staff Pages

Robert Björk

Subject: plant community dynamics, greenhouse gas fluxes, tundra, responses to climate change
Professor, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
E-mail: robert [dot] bjork [at] gu [dot] se (robert[dot]bjork[at]gu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 31-786 28 35
Robert Björk in University of Gothenburg Staff Pages

Mats Björkman

Subject: biosphere-atmosphere interactions, cryosphere-atmosphere interactions, changes in soil and microbial composition, changes in carbon and nutrient cycles, permafrost
Researcher, Department of Earth Sciences
E-mail: mats [dot] bjorkman [at] gu [dot] se (mats[dot]bjorkman[at]gu[dot]se)
Tel:  +46 31-786 28 74
Mats Björkman in University of Gothenburg Staff Pages

Heather Reese

Subject: remote sensing, alpine vegetation, mapping of land cover types
Senior Lecturer, Department of Earth Sciences
E-mail: heather [dot] reese [at] gu [dot] se (heather[dot]reese[at]gu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 31-786 28 03, +46 766-18 28 03
Heather Reese in University of Gothenburg Staff pages

Christine Bacon

Subject: evolutionary biology, loss of species,
Senior lecturer, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Tel: +46
31-786 51 67, +46766-18 51 67

E-mail: christine [dot] bacon [at] bioenv [dot] gu [dot] se (christine[dot]bacon[at]bioenv[dot]gu[dot]se)
Christine Bacon in University of Gothenburg Staff Pages

Åslög Dahl 

Subject: allergology, airborne pollen, pollen prognosis, climate change effects on pollen
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
E-mail: aslog [dot] dahl [at] bioenv [dot] gu [dot] se (aslog[dot]dahl[at]bioenv[dot]gu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 31-786 26 64, +46 707-55 69 62
Åslög Dahl in University of Gothenburg Staff Pages

Åke Lindström 

Subject: climate change effects on birds, Swedish Bird Monitoring
Professor, Department of Biology
Ake [dot] lindstrom [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Ake[dot]lindstrom[at]biol[dot]lu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 46-222 49 68
Åke Lindström in Lund University Research Portal

Pål Axel Olsson

Subject: biodiversity in grasslands (fungi, plants and insects), biodiversity conservation, interactions between the vegetation and the soil microorganisms
Professor, Department of Biology
E-mail: pal_axel [dot] olsson [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (pal_axel[dot]olsson[at]biol[dot]lu[dot]se)

Tel: +46 46-222 42 47
Pål Axel Olsson in Lund University Research Portal

Lars Pettersson 

Subject: Swedish butterfly monitoring, butterflies, climate change, migrating insects
Researcher, Department of Biology
lars [dot] pettersson [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (lars[dot]pettersson[at]biol[dot]lu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 46-222 38 18; +46 70-611 63 45
Lars Pettersson in Lund University Research Portal

Henrik Smith 

Subject: climate effect on biodiversity in the farmland
Professor, Department of Biology and Centre for Environmental- and Climate Science
Henrik [dot] Smith [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Henrik[dot]Smith[at]biol[dot]lu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 46-222 93 79, +46 709-78 20 56
Henrik Smith in Lund University Research Portal

Niklas Wahlberg

Subject: evolutionary biology, molecular systematic methods, utilize museum specimens
Professor, Department of Biology
Tel: +46 46-2223102
E-mail: niklas [dot] wahlberg [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (niklas[dot]wahlberg[at]biol[dot]lu[dot]se)
Niklas Wahlberg in Lund University Research Portal

Edith Hammer 

Subject: climate system, microscale soil structure, nutrient cycling and carbon dynamics, mycorrhizal symbiosis
Senior Lecturer, Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science
Tel: +46 46-222 45 36
E-mail: Edith [dot] hammer [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Edith[dot]hammer[at]biol[dot]lu[dot]se)
Edith Hammer in Lund University Research Portal

Natascha Kljun

Subject: Greenhouse gas flow between land and atmosphere in a changing climate, the forest role as a carbon sink and source for greenhouse gases, forest fires
Professor, Centre for Environmental- and Climate Science
E-mail: natascha [dot] kljun [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (natascha[dot]kljun[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 46 222 47 31, +46 76 135 77 44
Natascha Kljun in Lund University Research Portal

Johannes Rousk 

Subject: ecology of microorganisms in natural and engineered soil systems, carbon cycle, carbon flow and vegetation
Professor, Department of Biology
Tel: +46 46-222 37 45
E-mail: johannes [dot] rousk [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (johannes[dot]rousk[at]biol[dot]lu[dot]se)
Johannes Rousk in Lund University Research Portal

Tobias Rütting 

Subject: terrestrial nutrient cycling and greenhouse gas emission from soil, especially the nitrogen cycle in soils
Professor, Department of Earth Sciences
Tel: +46 31-786 18 74
E-mail: tobias [dot] rutting [at] gvc [dot] gu [dot] se (tobias[dot]rutting[at]gvc[dot]gu[dot]se)
Tobias Rütting in University of Gothenburg

Thomas Hickmann

Subject: multi-level governance, global sustainability politics, climate policy, international relations, public administration
Associate Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Science
E-mail: thomas [dot] hickmann [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (thomas[dot]hickmann[at]svet[dot]lu[dot]se)
Tel: + 46 46-222 89 49
Thomas Hickmann in Lund University Research Portal

Roger Hildingsson

Subject: environmental politics, climate governance, climate politics, urban sustainability, Green State, de-carbonisation
Researcher, Department of Political Science
E-mail: roger [dot] hildingsson [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (roger[dot]hildingsson[at]svet[dot]lu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 706-93 15 71, +46 46-222 47 62
Roger Hildingsson in Lund University Research Portal

Åsa Knaggård

Subject: climate and environmental policy, climate adaptation, science-policy relations, policy-making under uncertainty
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science
E-mail: asa [dot] knaggard [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (asa[dot]knaggard[at]svet[dot]lu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 46-222 01 64
Åsa Knaggård in Lund University Research Portal

Jacob Skovgaard

Subject: International Environmental politics, EU climate policy
Senior lecturer, Department of Political Science
E-mail: jakob [dot] skovgaard [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (jakob[dot]skovgaard[at]svet[dot]lu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 46 222 97 76
Jacob Skovgaard in Lund University Research Portal

Johannes Stripple 

Subject: urban politics of de-carbonisation, forests, climate governance, carbon policy and market, imagination, post-fossil society
Professor, Department of Political Science
E-mail: johannes [dot] stripple [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (johannes[dot]stripple[at]svet[dot]lu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 46-222 04 88, +46 708-19 71 29
Johannes Stripple in Lund University Research Portal

Fariborz Zelli

Subject: Global environmental governance, Climate politics, Biodiversity and forestry politics
Professor, Department of Political Science
E-mail: fariborz [dot] zelli [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se
Tel: +46 46-222 47 64
Fariborz Zelli in Lund University Research Portal

Johannes Edvardsson

Subject: growth patterns of trees to study and date large-scale climate changes
Researcher, Quaternary Sciences
Tel: +46 46-222 78 84

E-mail: johannes [dot] edvardsson [at] geol [dot] lu [dot] se (johannes[dot]edvardsson[at]geol[dot]lu[dot]se)

Johannes Edvardsson in Lund University Research Portal

Dan Hammarlund 

Subject: climatic and environmental changes during and after the last ice age
Professor, Department of Geology
Tel: +46 46-222 79 85, +46 730-62 85 67
E-mail: Dan [dot] Hammarlund [at] geol [dot] lu [dot] se (Dan[dot]Hammarlund[at]geol[dot]lu[dot]se)
Dan Hammarlund in Lund University Research Portal

Hans Linderholm

Subject: regional climate variability in Europe and Asia from the past (last 2000 years) to the future, tree rings
Professor, Department of Earth Sciences
Tel: +46 31-786 28 87, +46 708-58 95 04
hansl [at] gvc [dot] gu [dot] se (hansl[at]gvc[dot]gu[dot]se)
Hans Linderholm in University of Gothenburg Staff pages

Anne-Birgitte Nielsen

Subject: pollen, pollen-based reconstruction of plant cover
Senior Lecturer, Department of Geology
Tel: +46 46-222 39 48
anne_birgitte [dot] nielsen [at] geol [dot] lu [dot] se (anne_birgitte[dot]nielsen[at]geol[dot]lu[dot]se)
Anne Birgitte Nielsen in Lund University Research Portal

Mark Brady

Subject: science-policy relations within agriculture, relationships between land-use, biodiversity and ecosystem services, EU agriculture policy (CAP)
Associate Professor, Centre for Environmental- and Climate Science (CEC) and AgriFood Economics Centre
E-mail: mark [dot] brady [at] agrifood [dot] lu [dot] se (mark[dot]brady[at]agrifood[dot]lu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 722-37 04 29, + 46 40-41 50 05
Mark Brady in Lund University Research Portal

Fredrik Carlsson 

Subject: environmental valuation, environmental regulation, environmental economics, social preferences and norms, cooperation and resource conservation
Professor, Department of Economics

E-mail: fredrik [dot] carlsson [at] economics [dot] gu [dot] se (fredrik[dot]carlsson[at]economics[dot]gu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 31-786 41 74
Fredrik Carlsson in University of Gothenburg Staff Pages

Jessica Coria

Subject: design of environmental policies, modeling of environmental regulation, choice of policy instruments to comply with environmental regulations
Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics

E-mail: jessica [dot] coria [at] economics [dot] gu [dot] se (jessica[dot]coria[at]economics[dot]gu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 31-786 48 67
Jessica Coria in University of Gothenburg Staff Pages

Claes Ek 

Subject: environmental economics, behavioural economics, applied econometrics, public economics
Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics

E-mail: claes [dot] ek [at] economics [dot] gu [dot] se (claes[dot]ek[at]economics[dot]gu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 31-786 52 49
Claes Ek in University of Gothenburg Staff Pages

Anders Ahlström

Subject: global cycles of carbon and water and their interplay with climate and society, land-use effects on state of forest ecosystems
Senior lecturer, Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science
Tel: +46 732-028487
E-mail: anders [dot] ahlstrom [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se

Anders Ahlström in Lund University Research Portal

Cecilia Akselsson

Subject: effects of climate change and management on forest ecosystems, carbon storage in the forest,
Senior lecturer, Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science
cecilia [dot] akselsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (cecilia[dot]akselsson[at]nateko[dot]lu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 46-222 86 89, +46 704-61 99 73
Cecilia Akselsson in Lund University Research Portal

Natascha Kljun

Subject: Greenhouse gas flow between land and atmosphere in a changing climate, the forest role as a carbon sink and source for greenhouse gases, forest fires
Professor, Centre for Environmental- and Climate Science
natascha [dot] kljun [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (natascha[dot]kljun[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 46 222 47 31, +46 76 135 77 44
Natascha Kljun in Lund University Research Portal

Torsten Krause

Subject: environmental governance, forestry with focus on Amazonia, conservation science, sustainable development
Senior Lecturer, Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS)
E-mail: torsten [dot] krause [at] LUCSUS [dot] lu [dot] se (torsten[dot]krause[at]LUCSUS[dot]lu[dot]se)
Torsten Krause in Lund University Research Portal

Emma Kritzberg 

Subject: browning of lakes, land-use management
Professor, Department of Biology
Emma [dot] kritzberg [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Emma[dot]kritzberg[at]biol[dot]lu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 46-222 40 79
Emma Kritzberg in Lund University Research Portal

Johan Uddling

Subject: interactions plant-environment, ecophysiology, climate change, CO2 effects on crops, trees and urban air quality, trees in Africa
Professor, Department of Biological & Environmental Sciences
johan [dot] uddling [at] bioenv [dot] gu [dot] se (johan[dot]uddling[at]bioenv[dot]gu[dot]se)
Tel : +46 31-786 37 57, +46 703-88 13 57
Johan Uddling in University of Gothenburg Staff Pages

Deliang Chen

Subject: Climate modelling, climate system, the Third Pole, extreme weather, IPCC
Professor, Department of Earth Sciences
E-mail: deliang [dot] chen [at] gu [dot] se (deliang[dot]chen[at]gu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 31-786 48 13
Deliang Chen at Gothenburg University research

Paul Miller 

Subject: Climate modelling, carbon cycle, climate change and vegetation dynamics
Senior lecturer, Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science/Centre for Environmental- and Climate Science 
E-mail: paul [dot] miller [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (paul[dot]miller[at]nateko[dot]lu[dot]se) 
Tel: +46 46 222 40 72
Paul Miller in Lund University Research Portal

Tom Pugh

Subject: Climate modelling, carbon cycle, climate change and vegetation dynamics
Senior lecturer, Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science
E-mail: thomas [dot] pugh [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (thomas[dot]pugh[at]nateko[dot]lu[dot]se) 
Tel: +46 46 222 40 72
Thomas Pugh in Lund University Research Portal

Zhengyao Lu

Subject: El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
Researcher, Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science
E-mail: zhengyao [dot] lu [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (zhengyao[dot]lu[at]nateko[dot]lu[dot]se) 
Tel: +46-790121667
Zhengyao Lu in Lund University Research Portal

Ullrika Sahlin

Subject: risk and how to handle uncertainty in environmental and climate issues.
Senior lecturer,
Centre for Environmental- and Climate Science

E-mail: ullrika [dot] sahlin [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (ullrika[dot]sahlin[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 73 827 44 32
Ullrika Sahlin in Lund University Research Portal

Johanna Alkan Olsson 

Subject: urban planning, heat in urban environment, climate adaptation, PFAS, nature based solutions
Senior lecturer, Centre for Environmental- and Climate Science
E-mail: johanna [dot] alkan_olsson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (johanna[dot]alkan_olsson[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 46-222 17 93, +46 727-41 79 90
Johanna Alkan Olsson in Lund University Research Portal

Helena Hanson 

Subject: nature based solutions in urban environments, climate adaptations, invasive species
Researcher, Centre for Environmental- and Climate Science
E-mail: helena [dot] hanson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (helena[dot]hanson[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 46-222 02 02
Helena Hanson in Lund University Research Portal

Jenny Klingberg

Subject: ecosystem services in urban environments, urban trees and greenery
Director of Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre (GGBC)
E-mail: jenny [dot] klingberg [at] bioenv [dot] gu [dot] se (jenny[dot]klingberg[at]bioenv[dot]gu[dot]se)
Jenny Klingberg in University of Gothenburg Staff Pages

Anna Persson

Subject: pollination, urban biodiversity, ecosystem services
Researcher, Centre for Environmental- and Climate Science
anna [dot] persson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (anna[dot]persson[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 46-222 38 21, +46 730-69 28 80
Anna Persson in Lund University Research Portal

Håkan Pleijel

Subject: vegetation and atmosphere interaction, ground level-ozone, traffic related pollutants, effects of climate and climate change on air pollution, importance of urban greenery
Professor, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
hakan [dot] pleijel [at] bioenv [dot] gu [dot] se (hakan[dot]pleijel[at]bioenv[dot]gu[dot]se)

Tel: +46 31-786 25 32, +46 733-10 07 00
Håkan Pleijel in University of Gothenburg Staff Pages