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BECC in Numbers

Members 2023

Lund University

University of Gothenburg

BECC Principal Investigators (PI:s): 109BECC Principal Investigators (PI:s): 29
BECC Researchers: 69BECC Researchers: 19
Doctoral Students: 69Doctoral Students: 18
Research Coordinators: 3 
Research Administrator: 1 
Communications Officers: 2 


External funding 2022/2023

Number of new projects granted by most common funders in 2022/2023.

Vetenskapsrådet (VR)11
Hroizon Europe10
ERC Starting Grant2
ERC Consolidator Grant1


Involved departments at our universities

Our PI:s can be found at 13 departments spanning 5 faculties at our universities.



of PI:s

LUCentre for Environmental and Climate Science17
LUCentre for Mathematical Science/Mathematical Statistics1
LUDepartment of Biology37
LUDepartment of Technology and Society2
LUDepartment of Geology10
LUDepartment of Physical Geography & Ecosystem Science31
LUDepartment of Political Science6
LULund University Centre for Sustainability Studies4
LUDepartment of Philosophy1
UGOTDepartment of Biological and Environmental Sciences13
UGOTDepartment of Earth Sciences7
UGOTDepartment of Economics8
UGOTDepartment of Marine Sciences1


Publications 2022

Scientific Publications367
Reports commissioned by authorities7
Working papers, reports and policy briefs6
Phd Theses8
Number of citations of scientific publications in policy documents (Overton databases)65
Average impact factors of scientific publications7.92