BECC in Numbers
Members 2023
Lund University | University of Gothenburg |
BECC Principal Investigators (PI:s): 109 | BECC Principal Investigators (PI:s): 29 |
BECC Researchers: 69 | BECC Researchers: 19 |
Doctoral Students: 69 | Doctoral Students: 18 |
Research Coordinators: 3 | |
Research Administrator: 1 | |
Communications Officers: 2 |
External funding 2022/2023
Number of new projects granted by most common funders in 2022/2023.
Formas | 29 |
Vetenskapsrådet (VR) | 11 |
Hroizon Europe | 10 |
ERC Starting Grant | 2 |
Biodiversa+ | 1 |
ERC Consolidator Grant | 1 |
Mistra | 1 |
Involved departments at our universities
Our PI:s can be found at 13 departments spanning 5 faculties at our universities.
Departments | Number | |
LU | Centre for Environmental and Climate Science | 17 |
LU | Centre for Mathematical Science/Mathematical Statistics | 1 |
LU | Department of Biology | 37 |
LU | Department of Technology and Society | 2 |
LU | Department of Geology | 10 |
LU | Department of Physical Geography & Ecosystem Science | 31 |
LU | Department of Political Science | 6 |
LU | Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies | 4 |
LU | Department of Philosophy | 1 |
UGOT | Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences | 13 |
UGOT | Department of Earth Sciences | 7 |
UGOT | Department of Economics | 8 |
UGOT | Department of Marine Sciences | 1 |
Publications 2022
Scientific Publications | 367 |
Reports commissioned by authorities | 7 |
Working papers, reports and policy briefs | 6 |
Books | 1 |
Phd Theses | 8 |
Number of citations of scientific publications in policy documents (Overton databases) | 65 |
Average impact factors of scientific publications | 7.92 |